Thursday, June 25, 2015

So for my first post on here I thought I would start out with a bang. 

I got robbed today. Yup. I straight up got robbed! 

To start off, we are in Cambodia right now. (I will explain what we are doing here in another post). On our lunch break today we went to get lunch with a few of the students we are here with. Instead of hauling my backpack around I left it at work and just brought a little pouch that I keep my epi-pens and inhalers in. Normally I keep my bag around my shoulder while we ride our bikes because Dillon warned me if I put it in my bike basket someone can just snatch it. Well today I didn't have my bag I just had a little pouch with no strap so I thought I would be ok if I just put my water bottle over the top of it... It was not ok! Some guy on a moped drove up next to me, reached out and stole it! He freaking stole it! He then zoomed off and I started yelling "HEY HEY!!! HE JUST STOLE MY MEDICINE! THAT GUY JUST STOLE MY BAG!!!"  Kind of a dorky thing to yell haha but I literally yelled "he just stole my medicine!" The rest of the group stopped and Dillon looked at me and then raced off to go chase after the guy! I was trying to yell after him to stop and that it wasn't worth it but he was ticked and already too far to hear me! That is definitely what scared me the most! I just pictured Dillon catching up to the guy and trying to fight him and then getting shot or something! He chased after the guy for probably a mile and a half but then he lost him. Which was probably for the best.

There were a few things that really annoyed me about the whole situation! First of all, they guy was going to look in that pouch and realize there was nothing in their besides medicine and probably just chuck it. There was no money, no cards, no phone, nothing that would be of any value to this guy. (Unless he has a severe nut allergy or bad asthma, in that case he really hit the jackpot!) Meanwhile it's going to cost me hundreds of dollars to replace it all.

The second thing that has been bothering me was this morning before we left I had the thought that I shouldn't carry both epi-pens with me, that I should leave one of them at home. But I didn't do it.

Thankfully I have more of the inhalers at our apartment, and I brought a couple expired epi-pens with me that I also still have at the apartment, which is at least better then nothing.

Unfortunately a group of five white people in Cambodia isnt very discrete. I'm just thankful it wasn't worse, and that nobody got hurt. It was a valuable lesson for me and the group to learn today. I'm definitely going to be taking extra precautions from now on!

Obviously I don't have pictures of the robbery ha ha, so here are some pictures of us on our bikes by the river front.

(I've got some nice helmet hair in this one.)